Test mandatomi dalla Shappu. Fatto prontamente. (Sempre scattante per fare le cose inutili, io). Dunque... che elemento chimico sono?
Pt... Platinum
You scored 53 Mass, 46 Electronegativity,
64 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!
Platinum is a rare breed, and one who's reputation
as a stalwart bastion of virtue is well-earned. You
stick up for what you believe in, never change, and
get along well with others. I would recommend that
you become a politician, but the sad truth is that
you don't understand us lesser and less-confident
beings all that well. With a couple good Carbon advisors
to keep you in touch with the scuzzy non-metals I'd
vote for ya though. You are loud, be proud... keep
it up.