The 'Love Gackt Too Much?' Quiz : by Cate
this quiz!

Hyde - The sexy sweetheart singer of the band, the
one everyone wants whether they admit it or
not. Such a lucky one you are! Now if you can
only get your friends to believe it...
Which member of L'arc~en~ciel would YOU boink?
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You're KenxHyde! Sex, sex, and more sex.
Which L'Arc~en~Ciel Pairing are You?
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You are Soul of fire!
You are the famous Kirin commerical, and we love
you! Ride that pony!
Which Gackt song are you?
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Sensual, classic, artistic. You are Gackt.
Which J-rocker are you?
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I am Gackt's semi-dred weirdness look!
Which Gackt hairstyle
are you most like?
yet another crazy Gackt quiz
by mcvarmaz

I am the infamous butabara incident!
Which Gackt TV
appearance are you?
quiz by

Which Hyde are you?
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You are 'All Dead'
Which L'Arc~En~Ciel Song Best Describes You?
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You're tame blonde Hyde: cool, independent, and
very together. You don't like to bother with
details and you have a no-nonsense approach to
your life. And you rock. You rock HARD. Your
mantra: "I only take orders from one
person: myself."
What Hyde hairstyle are you?
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Fangirl-Okay, so maybe you qualify as
"helplessly obsessed" but all the
same you love Gackt to peices. You have all of
his music and drool over his sexy body. At
concerts you jump up and down and the Music
Lovers usually eye you with disaproval but you
don't care. As long as you have your Gackt the
world is in order!
What Type of Gackt Fan Are You?
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Which Gackt
are you most like?
quiz by mcvarmazi

Hey, a video with an actual plot! And what a plot
it is - a cursed knife and the murders it
causes over 100 years. Jumping from Sicily to
London to Warsaw to Hong Kong to Chicago to New
York, you don't play around when you state your
obvious message: Fate is a bitch, and Tetsu's
about to get bitch-slapped.
Which L'arc~en~ciel Music Video Are You?
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